יום שלישי, 5 באוקטובר 2010

Simple Call Log 1.0.1

Hello again.
I've just updated the Simple call log application to version 1.0.1.

changes for this version:
  • SD card support - for those of us with android 2.2, the application can now be installed on the SD card.
  • 12/24 hours clock display
  • Total conversations duration - fixed date or monthly.
    • fixed date: choose a date from the menu, and the app will calculate the amount of minutes used for incoming and outgoing calls since that date.
    • monthly - choose a date, and based on the chose DAY of that date, the app will calculate the time since that date, on a monthly basis. example: today is the 6/10/2010. if you choose the date 4/1/2010, the application will calculate the minutes between 4/10/2010 and the 6/10/2010.
      if choose the 25/10/2010, the app will calculate the amount of minutes since 25/9/2010 until 6/10/2010. this is very useful when trying to keep an eye on the air time usage.
  • added a bug fix for private numbers. on my phone i already fixed it (moto milestone), but after looking at a N1 phone, i found out private weren't showing (the value -1) was showing instead. this has been fixed, hopefully for all phones out there, but i really can't tell :)
i hope this works out for you.
if there are any problems at all, bugs, improvement ideas, please write here or send to my e-mail


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